Indie Games

Doctor NoWhere Game Free

Have you ever stumbled upon horror videos on the Internet? They are usually terrifying, but entertaining, featuring appalling creatures, which obviously don’t exist. However, you can’t be sure about that here! Face hideous monsters trying to reach you from behind the screen and try not to fall into their trap!

Who created Doctor NoWhere?

This absolutely terrifying game is an extraordinary work of art, generated by Silas Orion. Doctor NoWhere immediately catches attention with its unique visual style and incredibly disgusting monsters, which rather resemble disjointed pieces of flesh than a humanoid creature.

Play the full version of this fascinating horror game on pc and fully immerse into the corrupted atmosphere of some unholy parallel dimension, inhabited by various entities, varying in appearances, but still extremely dangerous.

Gameplay Doctor NoWhere

When facing a cunning demon, there is only one objective – to survive. Doctor NoWhere will make you interact with your deepest nightmares all the time and you have to figure out how to stay alive as fast as possible. Otherwise, the mutant is going to break the screen and devour you completely.

Moreover, Doctor NoWhere contains a great deal of plot, which is explained by the entities themselves or whoever voice is heard all the time. Listen to the endless stream of the narrative and discover the horrible truth about each monster. What turned them into distorted ghosts and who is responsible for it?

But most importantly, don’t let any of your enemies break free! The mutants are going to utilise both physical strength and psychological tricks, so be ready to defend yourself by any means. In some cases, the game just requires you to turn off the screen and lock up the creature inside a virtual prison this way. The other species require different approaches, though.

What entities can you meet in Doctor NoWhere?

The universe of Doctor NoWhere is brimming with harrowing ghosts, which can amaze even a person experienced in the most eerie terrors. Their debased facial features make it difficult to maintain visual contact and the unproportionate bodies can easily break your bones, if you are not careful enough. Get acquainted with the most common inhabitants of this nightmarish realm:

  1. The Locust. One of the first enemies you are going to deal with, he was once a usual child, until some disgusting assault happened. Transformed into a black tall humanoid, he seeks only blood now.
  2. The Boiled One. This creature won’t cause critical damage, but the careless victim is going to be stunned for some time with its voice and appearance. You may stay alive, but the thawed mask will stay in your mind forever.
  3. The Follower. Showing only a reddish spooky face is enough for the Follower to scare you to death. As it comes from its name, this mutant stalks its victims when the sun goes down.
  4. The Guilt. As the Locust, this pale and lanky entity used to be a child and his fate was really sad as well. Turned into the embodiment of remorse, he reminds the victim about their sins.
  5. The Spineman. Partially decomposed corpses may not seem dangerous, but this case is an exception. The Spineman needs only a slight movement to capture a human and eliminate it.

Unravel the most hideous enigmas

No creature comes out of nowhere and the stories told by the unknown narrator of Doctor NoWhere or the monster itself, prove that all the ghosts were common humans once. Terrible accidents, negligence of the caretakers or their personal mistakes made them look like that and their minds changed forever.

It may be quite problematic to concentrate on the plot or spot the details of the background due to the constant danger, but attentiveness will bring you deeper understanding of your adversaries. Using the information you extracted from the game, new strategies will emerge on their own!

How to fend off the vicious beast?

The game doesn’t give any special hints on avoiding death from the ferocious occupants of these terrains, but applying some logic and the facts from the stories, you may successfully get through the macabre challenge and proceed in the exploration of the unfriendly dimension.

The weakest ghosts can’t influence the player in any other way than physically, so the easiest way to get rid of their presence is to stop watching them. However, such humanoids as the Boiled One require special techniques. Under no circumstances should you listen to him! Instead, remember any prayer and strike the demon with holy texts.


Check out this fearsome game only at your own risk, as only the most resistible adventurers can remain alive after the confrontations with every entity. No need for the mods to add a creepy atmosphere, as Doctor NoWhere amazes with its already blood-curdling experiences.